Vapor Blasting Service
Vapor blasting uses very fine glass beads suspended in water to gently remove surface dirt and contamination to recondition a part.
Although the most striking results are seen on aluminum, the process also works on steel, other non-ferrous metals and plastics.
If you are interested in having parts vapor-blasted please send me a message however convenient for you.
Vapor blasting uses very fine glass beads suspended in water to gently remove surface dirt and contamination to recondition a part.
Although the most striking results are seen on aluminum, the process also works on steel, other non-ferrous metals and plastics.
If you are interested in having parts vapor-blasted please send me a message however convenient for you.
Vapor blasting uses very fine glass beads suspended in water to gently remove surface dirt and contamination to recondition a part.
Although the most striking results are seen on aluminum, the process also works on steel, other non-ferrous metals and plastics.
If you are interested in having parts vapor-blasted please send me a message however convenient for you.